made my 6form server slow. but its a really big server so. but my dads got it on his and it seems fine
Re: Service Pack 2 I wouldn't, theres too many issues at the moment. I installed it, and it gave me alot of grief so i got I am going to wait for the moment.
ive found if you are running a wireless network and your signal is slightly patchy, it does you no favours with it's incessant pop ups trying to assist you in 'bettering your network'. i've managed to improve my signal significantly, and now it seems fairly safe...
Don't if you use AOL to get online!! I found it to be quite nice, it seemed to make Windows a tad more efficient! However (dum dum dummm!)....I use AOL and apparantly there's some sort of problem between Service Pack 2 and AOL. I kept getting disconnected every 10 minutes or so (VERY ANNOYING!!), and finally found on Google some message board where other people with AOL had the same problem after installing SP2. I uninstalled, AOL is fine now
I was apprehensive bout installin after all the rumours but seen as i just reformatted by comp and there was nothin really on it to lose i gave it a go... and i have had no probs with it whatsoever... all runs smooth as!!! Main concern was that not usin a :secret: 'legit copy of XP' it would go tits up... but if its all activated fine should have no probs!! I've used the update feature, pop up blocker etc still no probs... as of yet
AOL sucks ass. it's shite. Causes more problems than owt else!!! i've installed SP2 on a few HOME PCs (not work ones!) and it's been fine, no problems. Just becareful if u think u've got a dodgy reg key that u don't know the origins of, but i have a way of changing your reg key without re-installing XP Like Sleepy said - keep it up to date!!!!!
I tried changing my reg key too! Maybe I did it wrong, but it still would not work Got the terrible blue screen "your system has been shut down to prevent damage, please disconnect recently connected hardware...blah blah"
I have a step by step guide to changing the key and activatin if u want.... its always worked for me.