selling old mobiles... has anyone used the fonebank, envirofone or mazuda?? if so what's your thoughts to them?? any good or bad experiences?? wanting to sell ym old phones but want nee hassle & some of them are so old they don't have chargers any more
actually that reminds me yeah!! whats they like?!! i have two phones a wanna get shot of, like wise nee chargers or owt
aye too right.. as long as i get a pretty penny for it aint to fussed.... the nokia dosent seem to wanna turn on, the sony ericsson wont turn off
am glad i got one switched on as there are messages that i am glad i got to delete...some from an ex, some from clubbing bout being wrecked...poppers.. etc
i had to use envirofone to gert rid of a dud mobile Marin Gordon (Crasherkid) sold me for £150. I got £43 for it. Cheers Martin. Envirophone where good if u take argos voucers you get a little more £
Haha i had a chipped one of them , was awesome !!! ive just got £200 off mazuma mobile for 7 of my old mobiles like, at least 2 of them didnt work properly but still got price "as working " for them !! Cheque was thru within 2 days of them receiving my phones too !!