ew joo lad. 90% of the fanny in the northeast is charva fanny. However that 90% can never get ito any clubs on a saturday night so its all good
Re: lolol Thats complete bullshit More likly the other way round cos Sunderland is so insignificant people have never heard of it
Re: Re: lolol beleive me, we try our best that people know we rnt geordies! I hate that! How come we can tell the diff between all parts in the north east (or most of it at least) but no1 else has a fukin clue!? And if i hear some1 ask me to say "Day 25 in the Big Brother house" once more - i might just twat him one!
:spangled: you mean not every1 south of Yorkshire is a cockney!?! They all sound the same to me....poncey!