Scary Crasher bloke Does anyone know who that scary looking bloke in crasher is? Anyone who goes regularly must know who I'm on about. He's got long hair and loads of tattoos. He must have something to do with the club cos he's always dancing in the DJ stand,getting free drinks from the bar and probably wouldn't get in the club if he was a normal punter
I know who you mean he posts occasionally on the crasher board under the name 'gary dj box' or something.
Aye. that'll be him...GaryDJbox. Stands at the right hand side of the box rolling spliffs all night. :chill:
He's fucking awful.... His name on the GC Board is GaryDJBox and he has pics of his tattoo's on there and his piercings Nice......
he has something to do with the lighting rig/soundsystem, uglf m/fcuker he gets ripped to bits on the crasher board.