Scare tactics By far the harshest programme on tv. A bit like Beadle's About but the practical jokes are much crueler. Saw it last night. They convinced one bloke he'd walked into a highly radioactive room and started trying to decontaminate him. On another one a girl was going for a childminding job but they made it look like a little girl had pushed a woman off a balcony and killed her. The way they do it is really realistic - the people genuinely think this stuff is real and sometimes get hysterical. Some people might say its in bad taste but it is quite funny to watch
ive seen a few episodes of this, it can be hilarious, i caught the end of one of them and they had picked up a hitch hiker and something happened, so the bloke who they set-up started punching the actor, was well funny
Bet there's a few people who have't seen the funny side of it and don't give permission to have it screened
What channel is this it Sky One...if so I think I've seen an eposode...also thought it was good
it's harsh as fook... saw the one with the lad in the 'sterile chamber' that got 'contaminated'... the lad inside was shouting to the baby sitter "YOU'RE KILLING ME"... she was off out the door.... scared for life! and then the one where they thought a murderer was downstairs... and the lad was trapped in a bedroom and this 'murderer' axed down the door, jack nicholson style... the lad crapped his pants. Sky one it's on, about 9ish