sasha's new album SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST!!!!! Just got the vivyl as well yesterday!!! OMG!!!! this guy is my god!!!!! GET HIM BACK AT PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOON!!!!!!!! PPPPPPLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
FROM HMV.CO.UK....... Reviews July 2002 As these things go, the debut album from an otherwise established deejay/producer/remixer/whatever can be a somewhat scary affair. There's often very little problem when they're steering the work of others but some kind of creative crisis can drop seemingly out of nowhere when it comes to the mighty flying solo. Thankfully, Sasha (Alexander Coe to the taxman) has the ability, the ideas and - most importantly of all - the patience to know when his own work is bearing the juiciest fruit. Thus,'Airdrawndagger' is a perfectly crafted distillation of all Sasha's neatest, most appealing sound experiments gathered under one sixty-nine minute saga. Here is the real Sasha, the student of music and the prophet of sound, unveiling the moods and moments that will take dance music deeper into the new century. 'Mr Tiddles' has an Oriental feel, tipping a nod to Japanese techno pioneer Isao Tomita and the more reflective moments of the Yellow Magic Orchestra before widening out into pans of trancey keyboard waves. 'Magnetic North' is a parallel trip down Kraftwerk's 'Autobahn', unrolling steady, chugging electro rhythms sprinkled with light keyboard tinkles. The further into the album the more shaded its feel becomes, recalling at times Leftfield's urgent and throbbing techno-soul, resplendant in its own private moodswings and decks and decks of echoes. There is a depth and a darkness that is occasionally menacing, occasionally clipping the progressive zone. This is Sasha's debut, a dance music monolith and a totem by which all others will now measure their work.
get in getting it next week when i get paid im also gona be purchsing every single thig i can get my mits on that invovles john digweed.
All apart from 2 tracks, or maybe 3, they are all breakbeat. Its a class album, some evil base-lines and some proper chill out tunes. A classic I reckon but I can see how some may be dissapointed but I think its exactly the same as one of Sasha's sets, to get the full effect you have to listen to it in full. I hate the term 'journey with music', but this is.
...... so if i fukkin luv the chems, leftfield et al and dirty dirty prog rocks me boat would u reckon I'd like this???? I cant be arsed to get me hands on a copy to listen to so I'll probly just buy it on recomendation....... desperately wanting to get more non-hard trance in me CD racks
in that case I'm buying it rite now! just need a card with about £15 on it...... here I come
Its called "airdrawndagger". Its been on the web for ages. Went to see Sasha at rehab in leeds last night. One of the best nights out I've ever had. EVERYBODY needs to go to rehab (on a Saturday so as not to piss Mark off ) Its the nicest club ive ever been in by a long way.
It is one hell of an album - my favourite track is probably track 3 - I don't know what its called but it's wicked.
cheers mate...tis on order now, should have it by tomorrow, along with morcheeba's Who Can You Trust Get in