Sasha!! dont quote me on this, but ive been informed that the man like is booked to play at shindig at the end of june! i dont know 100% this is true, but its from a pretty reliable source, so we will see! and if digweed is booked for june 14th, what a month that will be for the prog lovers!
These are some of the up-coming ones I've been told rfom another reliable source. 21st June: Lee Burridge, 12th July : Deep Dish (Confirmed on the Shindig website), 26th July : Steve Lawler. I'm well pleased Shindig have finally got Lee Burridge back to Foundation, pity Craig Richards has his residency at Fabric because a Tyrant night would be even more awesome. Looks like if there was a time period that Shindig had to wait for before booking dj's had had previously played at Promise its passed for a few dj's (Burridge, Klienenberg). Hopefully that'll mean we'll get Anthony Pappa and Nick Warren back up here soon! I'd love to see Sasha back in Foundation too, I hope your right!!
yeah mate, im glad to see shindig are starting to pick up some of thise deemed no longer suitable for promise, as much as i love prog i hope shindig continues booking the funkier djs as well, which im sure they will. also, if youre talking about the mighty nick warren, then the even mightier dave seaman will be suitable for shindig now!
get the fuck in lee burridge is quality. mad as fuck too and i would love to get pappa and warren back as well
Thing is Seaman played Promise not that long ago and its took frigging ages to get Lee Burridge and Sander Klienenberg on since they were being booked to play Promise. Actually, I think the last time SK was booked to play Promise was the night before the Love Parade thingy and that was almost 2 years ago. That was the night he forgot his records or they didn't turn up or something.
i think his records went missing, he was gonna play at the cluny if i remember rightly. yeah, dave seaman last played may 2002, and i read somewhere they cant both play within 18 months, so we might have to wait a while for him. though seb last played dec 2001, and hes playing next month at the dig, though i guess thats nearly 18 months aint it. really hope to see dave back up here though
Nah, the night he did play at the Cluny was the first birthday party and then he went and played the back room at Promise too.
i see my posts been moved, well i wasnt plugging shindig, i was merely stating some news id heard. guess i wasnt allowed to post in that section
ive seen lee buridge play at promise he played the worst set ive ever heard they. the club was busy but by about 2.30 am lee had just about cleared the club. his set was so boring. prog does'nt work in promise and im glad promise does'nt book prog dj's anymore. it works better in shindig so it's worth them doing it.
yeh I heard twas 18 months or something!! That sounds about right as Seb was at Promise about that long ago and hes coming up at Shindig. Lee Burridge= Deep Dish = Sasha =
yes, im inclined to agree about deep dish and sasha, it will be wicked to see them again! give me deep dish over yoji anyday
fair enough, prefer yoji myself his music is more energtic and uplifting. deep dish are gud tho would'nt mind checking them out.
i appreciate yoji has his merits, i just really dislike hard house, im sure he doesnt play just that, i just prefer music with a bit more soul. and you should check deep dish out, they are so good, both dj-wise, mix cds and remixes, and their own productions. own a pretty cool couple of labels as well
Everytime I've seen Lee Burridge I've thought he's been quality, he's played a bit of everything and I can't say I've ever found him boring. Suppose its just personal tastes. As for Deep Dish, they are amazing. Playing exactly the right mixture of stuff you don't know and probably never will and stuff you'll recognise but without being cheesy in the slightest. The Shindig birthday last year was maybe my best night out ever, even though I found out at 8pm on the night that I was gonna get sacked the next week, I'd forgot by 10.30!!!
exactly mate, the cross section of tracks and styles they play takes some beating! they were class at the birthday last year, i remember them dropping kylie and shakedown, what a night that was the previous september, 2001, theyt were just as good, dropping rapture, it began in afrika, amazing! never seen lee burridge, though he is someone im keen on
You heard his Nubreed CD or either of the Tyrant cd's?? Their excellent representations of his style, blending breakbeat, house, tech-house.... a bit of everything. I remember so many tunes ('Superstyling' & 'You are sleeping' to name a couple) that I heard at the Tyrant nights at Promise that didn't end up coming out for absolutley ages afterwards. I think it was about a year wait for the PQM track. He's definitely not to be missed!
he does sound like someone id enjoy! havent got his or satoshis nubreed albums, got the othr 4 though. and i love that PQM track, though its pretty hard to get hold of. i love the story in it: ' you pick up this working girl whose hooked on smack.....' its on my hernan cattaneo perfecto cd though
Lee Burridge is sweet, i definalty be going to see him at shindig, hes a wickid DJ and bloke, whos got plenty of time for the clubbers. cant wait to see sasha at foundation again... whats with shindig and all the prog?