Saddam Was he killed having breakfast @ Tiffany's? I hope this doesn't turn into another Hitler/Bin Layden/Elvis thing where there's always that doubt that they are not dead
Because most Muslim countries don't like him, he has had wars or fired missiles at most of Iraqs neighbouring countries & where ever he goes the YANKS will follow!!!!!!!! He should wait till the yanks are in charge of Iraq then seek political asylum in the UK.
Who irons the Iraqi Information Minister's shirts as well? He always looks well dressed despite living in a war zone.
i bet he does......... theres sweet f.a. that they can do about it cos his m8's the dictator of iraq!!
Zoooom, over yer heed. Do you realise how much it hurt to think of that little gem (no, not liljem). The least you could do is geddit.
How do you know? Oh I forgot your Ms Marple I have herd that Tony Blair wants to employ the guy after the war.