Saddam Bush has given Saddam 48 hours to leave, if he did leave where should/could he go? If I were Saddam I would try & go to Cuba just to piss the yanks off! Castro + Saddam = = Not serious post BE WARNED RANDOMS I COULD FILL THIS BOARD WITH NEWS ITEMS BUT I DONT!
I think he'd go to pakistan, which is where i believe that bin Laden has gone too. Although i don't think that pakistan is a great terrorist threat i just think it is a good place for people to hide.
I dont think he could seek political asylum from himself! However I am sure some human rights activist would prove that he has a legitimate claim to asylum in Britain
The only other places I can see up for letting him in are Libya, Zimbabwe (just to annoy our Tony) & the French (just to annoy)
when newcastle played in the champions lge qualifier against a team begining with z................ they had about 4 supporters who on the final whilstle began singing. the guy behind me said they would be singing," tell me ma me ma me ma, i wouldnt b home 4 tea" no doubt u'll probs c them in a kebab shop working away fuckin asylum seekers.............