Rusch & Murray - EPIC............ its been a while, ive been after it for a while now but finally got it last week, the above & beyond mix is quality, one of my favourite trancers around at the mo!!!!! what u all think??
not really. I still buy trance to play in the bedroom and if we ever play back to back sets or owt. Variety is the key my friend!!!
sounds like Jimmy must waste money all the time - he buys everything! U had a lot aswell like - i've just narrowed mine down loads - settling now with just techno and floaty trance records
buy the fukkin record you wanker! the original mix is best. very good song. sounds like tranquility bass - razor fish.
razorfish is one of my all time favortie tunes, unbeliveble. this tune is really summery , luv the warm feel to it. nice for the wether we`ve been having lately. ordering this baby next week after payday