Rules? Do the people of this board thinnk that some rules should be brought in to stop plugs etc? An advertising forum has been mentioned in recent weeks. Do you thik that this is a good idea?
To be honest i dont think there should be a designated forum for it. Just stop all plugging of other nites that are in competition with promise. End of story.
StOp PlUgGiNg!!!!!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil: AAAAAARRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Go Jim Go Jim Go Go Go Jim!!!!!!!!!
i think if its competing against promise yes but if it isnt why the hell not remember weres the love gone
Thats exactly what I mean m8. People are posting blatent plugs for Friday night events that may take some of Promises business. It effects us all in the long run. I bet, if you posted a thread on another nights message board about Promise they would be pissed off. People need more respect!!!!!
The ads are getting too much, it seems like a lot of people only sign up to advertise these days! I think its cool that Mark lets Vuzz etc advertise and I don't think that should change but people need to realise that this is the PROMISE message board, if I was Mark I wouldn't be happy with people advertising rival nights at my expense!!!!
on a personal note, for the good of the newcastle and north east scene, i would of thought helping each other out was a better idea as a whole...i mean if you aint arsed bout an event u dont have to read the ad do you...doesnt take much muscle power to scroll to the next thread, after all this is a 'message' board and adverts are basically just messages -- maybe im wrong i dunno... but i aint just thinkin bout myself here.. im for the whole north east scene and wouldnt stop promise promoting using my tools. --but then like i said, thats my personal view. I for one have always supported/promoted promise wherever and whenever i can, we have always scratched each others back like that and will continue to do so. Smaller underground nights dont exactly pose a threat to promise. But i do think big rival events such as Tuff/Godskitchen may well be out of the question..this i can understand because then its back to business again which these rival nights can make a difference to the revenue of Promise...smaller underground nights wouldnt really damage that revenue.
Fizz, you're right what you're saying.... a post letting ppl know about a night that you're putting on is fine because it is letting people know what's happening, which has to be a good thing. It does take the piss though when a night gets plugged weeks beforehand then the thread gets shamelessly bumped every day to keep it on page 1... sound familiar? I wouldn't think that a plug for a night from you/che/neil/hutchy/simon etc would bother anyone as long as the board isnt used as a rolling billboard
it depends on how they r done.. i.e. that loopy loo (sum newbe!!) that started the thread off last nite....should not b allowed & she/he should b shot!!! if it is done is a reasonable manner with a polite plug then i don't mind & if i ain't interested i don't read them!!!
as promise always ltd as a business yeah maybe remove the plugs like Tuff/GK cos they would affect revenue as they rival promise.... but nights like vuzz etc dont affect this revenue at all..too small and underground to do that. this shows promise is wantin to help the scene (which i know they do), but i suppose nights like Tuff which has just started up, im not too sure on their motives. -Did they spot the 'quiet' period of Promise and have decided to jump in and kick promise in the balls as a business venture? -Was Fridays at Satellite the only decent venue they could get? -Was rivalling promise with harder dance music the plan all along? -Could they not host it on a Saturday which may well of helped each other out?? -Is everything about money these days? cos all i hear is "i cant afford to do all" or "Cant come this week" or "you at promise, im not im skint". Too many nights with too much price and too much to offer?? Just a thought. - SATURATION is my word of the year. Newcastle scene has been saturated...
saturation: you just have to look at flying records windowledge to see how much newcastles scene has been saturated...count how many different flyers there is - theres quite a lot!!!!! and as for the scene.... well, in my opinion, if mark and richard have to live on the revenue of promise (which they do) then they have to treat promise on the whole as a business obviously...which may well mean killing all plugs and ads etc..understandable...but then the argument here is its all about money and not 'the scene'. Just the same as it may well be for the 'Tuff' lot. And i think marks move to making promise fortnightly with harder stuff between and something different on the other friday is excellent.. makes it seem like they are giving more and not just in it for the money.... where as 'Tuff', well, maybe they could of given more thought bout date of event, and entry fee too. I mean i know most clubbers in the area try and get out as much as possible even if they have to travel... eg: Fridays: to Promise or Tuff or Sugar Shack where people may have to pay around 10 to 15 quid to get in, plus travel expenses on top and their drinks money too - possible expenditure: 50 quid Saturdays : Shindig/Tall Trees - paying around 10 quid to get in, plus travel and drinks again almost 50 quid. Then theres your sunday events and mid week nights etc... you can be talkin around 150 quid per week clubbing expenditure?? help me out here... give me yer rough costs... cos most of us like to go to as much as we can when we can afford it. Then when things like Godskitchen come along at the arena, that just rips a huge hole in our pockets for a month!!! Which leaves Promise/Shindig/Tuff/Shack/Good Grief etc with problems of quiet periods because that one night at the arena has taken nearly all of the monthly expenditure we would of used to go to these events over the month. Clubbing is expensive....and we arent rich. Money is the problem? Whether its cos we havent got much or its cos too many events cost too much, or because there are actually just too many events/clubnights!!!!! Too many commercial and cheese nights?, not enuff clubscene education.... or at least not enuff die hard clubbers to go around and fill our main events like promise and co.
that's a complete piss take as well. I mentioned fizz/hutch/neil/simon for a reason... basically they all support each other and in many cases work with each othe and support the newcastle club scene. Other people coming on the Promise board plugging their own nights, specially out of town nights are taking the piss. If I was mark i'd delete the posts
This isnt a genral clubbing board, this is run by and payed for by Promise so there shouldnt be anything on it that puts promise in jeopardy and this plugging is putting promise in jeopardy.
yes this board certainly is run by and paid for by promise, and yeah its up to them to do what they like with it, but we do scratch each others backs and help each other in the scene...such as vuzz, naughty, tO, etc all help promote promise on their websites, emails, other promotional material such as posters and flyers within the different venues etc...
I agree, there are far too many commercial & cheesy nights in Newcastle, but this is the type of night that most people seem to go for, simply because the beer is cheap. It has been bringing the MONEY in for the BAR & CLUB MANAGERS so far, so they would say why stop? Not many of these so called businessmen seem to think of long term effects to music & probably don't give a toss! A lot of the midweek crowd is students & all they want to do is get hammered for next to nothing, then find a traffic cone & put it with the collection in the halls they reside in, so unfortunately, this is part of how we are losing out. Cheap drink nights & arsehole managers are not the only problem facing dance music. The amount of bars in Newcastle now is stupid. So rather than whinging to each other on this board, don't you think we should all be thinking about complaining to the council? All of the best bars & clubs are suffering so people can try to look posh in the new ones. Dunno about you but I like a good ole'fashioned bar with GOOD music, & pints rather than bottles (Although I can understand bottles if you're scared of being spiked). I also think that you should be entitled to post your event on this board. But if this was my board I would probably take off any events planned for the same night as my own.