rugby on saturday who's gonna win, Ireland or England i'm shitting it, its gonna be a goodun, i hope Ireland do it but possibly knowing the english they will just pip it.
you have beat us the last 2 times for the grand slam so it should be our turn. is it at landsdown at 3pm
opps donno why i said saturday...its on sunday yeah i think at 3 tho i should be on the lash from lunch time
It's going to be a very busy weekend for all the pub's in the uk this weekend with all the foota as well. I may of recovered from saturday night to get up and watch it, "Mam get the dinner on", "but it's mothering sunday", "and?"
ah ya see, i'm lucky, me mam is still in ireland so i sent her a card, now i'm the best son in the world in her eyes, i can do no wrong
how does that work-you buy your mam a card, i buy mine a card and perfume and then i have to go out and by the ex something as well and a card. I fucking hate mothering sunday
you can stick your chariot up yer arse na good game good game Spence, trust you to trawl through and find this post again, i hoped it would dissappear with irelands hopes of winning the gran slam in the second half
Re: Re: rugby on saturday spence mate, when i was at school, before i had a collision with a car, the pe tacher didnt have enough players 4 the rugby team so he said everyone who wants to play football has too play rugby, i'm only small and even smaller at skool, i was in this match when the ball got passed to me and this huge fukker started 2 run toward me, i thought fuck that and chucked the ball away, i would have got seriously injured like.
We will stick our chariot next to the Calcutta cup, home nations trophy, the 6 nations crown & the GRAND SLAM! It was good game 1st half but 2nd half was an advert for RUGBY. I was going to post on Monday but thought I would delay until I saw you were logged on. I am not keen on this 2 Irish anthem thing either. Also do you find it offensive when the Republic of Ireland football team are known as the Irish, yet the boys of Northern Ireland are known as Northern Ireland?
no not really, we are northern ireland, and it is rather long winded for the FAI to be considered 'the republic of ireland', so ireland for them is much more functional. as for the two national anthem thing, in rugby they sing 'Irelands call' which is a song about the four provences of ulster, so it is not offensive to anyone, and it is a good uplifting song,in my opinion. what i do have a problem with is tha northern ireland and england, ( and now at least with the same tune liechtenstien) have to same anthem, i have never seen northern ireland play england but i wander if they play the anthem once or twice? some of my mates refer to N.I. as little England anyway, rather like austria are wanna be Germans. (when we play germany we like yo sing the damn busters tune and do tha actions,quite amusing)
I have a problem with England having the BRITISH national anthem! I would prefer England to have an English anthem. Northern Ireland should have its own anthem when they are doing anything for Northern Ireland. The British anthem should only be used when the 4 parts of the UK come together. But I do luv the liechtenstien mix of the anthem
how true England- New jerusalem by willaim blake Northern Ireland- Londonderry air Leichtenstien- Always look on the bright side of life
i watched the game (well 20 mins)... tried to understand it.... failed... no fights between rival fans sat next to each other.. pah.. there all just shite footballers