role on January role on January when i get back from this shit hole of a island (i mean the Falklands by the way not the UK) I can then have a wkd nite out and spend all my saved up money. any suggestions on wat to do. It has to be mad and a one of a kind idea
dont worry i will be going to promiss there there a few times and will be going again But i still want somthing mad and different to do any other suggestions
mint is ya a scouser oh my god how good are scouser accents...!!! what ya doin in the falklands islands like??!! xxx
Top idea, go on holiday to the faulklands perhaps, there will be more going on there than there will in newcastle. From past experience there's nowt as depressing as post new year newcastle, the clubs all close for a fortnight and when they re-open they usually have shit DJ's and are often dead. P.S. you could always go to edinbrough sea life centre and swim with the sharks for £100, it's on my christmas list!
come on ppl i need some ideas you lot are all MAD thats why i asked you dont let me down lol (be within reason tho)