ripped off his own scrotum
"Mephedrone is being sold legally on the internet as plant fertiliser but is more commonly known on the streets as ``drone", ``bubble", ``meow meow" or ``legal high"." "here lads should we get a few grams of meow meow for friday?"
I call it meow like cos thats what it says on the bag it comes in, just meow though no second meow haha
hahaha how the fuck did he manage to rip it off? ive nipped it a few times like and its surprisingly durable
This is the way it always happens - scare stories in the press followed by moral outrage from some MP who knows only what he read in the paper. campaign by weeping parents, catch all law bans it. No real debate, no proper research, no attempt to put it in context, no attempt at education. LSD banned after guy jumps from 4th floor window thinking he could fly. Cannabis upgraded because it's "20 times stronger". Ecstasy banned because '1 pill killed Leah Betts". Taking Ketamin means your bladder has to be surgically removed. And mushrooms cause psychosis. Meanwhile the brewing lobby sees to it that "red wine is good for your heart" and Alcopops are promoted to kids. My scrotum is hanging by a thread now
i'd start a lagalise ecstacy campaign but the police would just beat me to death how does one go about starting a petition?
and so it goes.... number of people who will now know 'for a fact' that someone ripped off their scrotum - all policymakers, reporters, commentators, parents and Frank. number who know about this article - nobody in any position of power.