RIP Jamie Bulger It's 10 years to the day since that fateful day. So lets spare a thought for him and his family. Rest in peace.
according to newspaper reports on sunday, the two involved in the murder are being given £2000 holidays this week to shelter them from media coverage of this. discuss..
If thats true i think the money would be better spent paying someone to kill the evil little fuckers. But thats just fucking rediculous. If they start doing that your gonna get every ex-criminal expecing a holiday. And how the fuck can they see it ok to give two murderers a holiday just to hind them from media attention? They should have to live with it and not be hidden as to protect them. There was no-one there to protect James so why the fuck should they get protection?
there was a programme on about it the other nite and it was soooo sad its his parents that i feel the most sorry for! Especially wen they see how the murdurers ov thie son are treated. It just makes ya feel physically sick! just how messed up our justice system is really??? :evil:
there was a program on the other nite about jamies dad, apparently its caused their marrage to split up, and due to this constant media coverage of the tragedy, he hasn't had time to stop the hurt nevermind begin to get his life back on track. it was quite distressing seeing such a hard looking man seem so vunerable. those wee bastard scumbags have destroyed more than that little boys life. rip jamie:angel: