Ringworm i think i have it! Maybe thats what my dog has!! the dirty bitch has given it to me! Is it contagious? Should i taken next week off work~?
maybe thats why you were taking the ket, cos you think your an animal and thats what animals have when they're bad......but its not a cure for ringworm and so you have spread it like the filthy plaque you dirty gutter rat! Go give yourself a shake,, and then sleep it off...
it's a ring shaped rash which can appear anywhere on the body and mine happens to be on my thigh whats so bad about that? it's not real worms...........now who's laughing?
ha ha, your about the 5th person to have said that I have passed it on to someone else though cos its vanished overnight HOPEFULLY it's all over that cock from shindig on saturday! I wanted him to die!
i was at docs today and i asked since i was there anyway she said it must have just been a very mild skin infection cos it went on its own, no treatment needed.
Fucking hell you best go shoot yourself now then, cos if ringworm is aids....then what you have must be just like a painful slow death......screaming and crying......clapman!
I had it when i was a kid. It just cleared up after a while - didnt take any stuff for it ..... Quite sick when you think about it .... a 'worm' - !!!!!!!!!!