Rifts What a complete fucking joke. Does anyone else have the same rifts as me (white/green/yellow)? Does anyone have trouble cleaning them? I cleaned mine exactly how the gal in the shop told me to the other week, and the colour ran and they turned green, so I took them back and changed them. Now, the colour's run again, and I haven't even fucking cleaned them yet, it's just from them getting a bit wet last night :evil: Absolutely pathetic. Whoever's idea it was to put a green lining under the white deserves to be shot. They're going back for some Air Force 2s...
I have those rifts. Mick does too! Never had any problems with washing them like, i washed them in the sink, sorted. Lass at Foot Locker sticks hers in the washing machine and they come up trumps. Get another pair!
Is that the short brunette lass that's always behind the desk? I find it pointless having a pair of trainers I'm afraid to wear!
I have the Brownish suedeish ones and never have a problem cleaning them.....al i do is put them inside a pillowcase and shot them in the wasing machine and they come out fine everytime. I just have problems with the smells.....:sick:
put them in the washing machine. i thought u were cutting edge allie? Rifts are a bit 2000, dont u think?
Probably true, but I fancied something a bit more lightweight and airy than Air Force 1s/K Swiss for the summer...
sticking them in the washing machine will eventually make the die cut foam sole shrink away from the glue on the outer... damn it damn it damn it... i can't leave it alone, can i pete?
lol yeah they say not to put trainers in the washing machine, its generally not reccommended! I always have though, never had any bother!
Sorry, that wasn't nice, I was venting my anger Still, I'm pissed off that I've had two pairs, cleaned em exactly how they say, and they're still fucked :evil:
Aye, so does Martin, that's why I put the rolly-eye thingy! Think those ones are a little too extreme for me mind...
Dunno who Martin is but he obviously has good taste, cheers for the warning about washing them, hope you get yours sorted mate