Richard Tulip What do you think is in store for our star resident??? Richards technical ability and choice of wicked choons surely cannot have gone unnoticed?? I can honestly say I have never heard Richard make a mistake on the decks or play a bland set. He seems to be playing amore varied venues also, which is Promising (excuse the pun!).This man deserves more. Is he still making his own record?? I think he has great things ahead of him and hope he remembers his roots!!! Richard = our local !!
Totally agreed but I love his prog too. I used to think he just did prog but I've seen him play hard twice and both times he blew me away.
one of the best richard tulip sets i've heard was at tall trees for promise v goodgreef.... i also prefer his harder sets!
in richard's prog days he was amazing. even the anti parks&wilson crew loved his driving warm up sets! his trance classics night were brilliant too!
Richard has branched out a bit more this year. He's deffo gonna go far me thinks I like his prog sets best
yeah, so do i i loved hearing his proggy sets, warming up for nick warren, pappa, seaman etc, happy days mr tulip is a talented guy!
I used to think he was class when he played his driving prog sets with all the little tricks over the top. His trance classics sets were awesome as well. But in the last year I think his sets have gone downhill. They sound tacky with no rhythm - Scot Project style almost. That's just my opinion but he seems to be doing well for himself so what do I know
Re: Richard Tulip Richard is not the sort of bloke to forget his roots. I know that 4 a fact.. And yes he is going places you wait and see Neil
in the prog days richards sets were often better than the ones of the main dj's. i still think richard is class now i like his prog and harder sets. i thought he was excellent after fergie on the 3rd birthday.
He really is one of the best DJs around at the minute, and with gigs such as Passion the other day, he can only get bigger. I used to love his old warm-up sets, absolutley brilliant they were, totally put you in the mood for a class night. His best performance I have heard was at TT, GG Vs Promise night, outstanding, playing hard trance the way it should be. He was telling me the other day that next year he is totally going to try and make it big. Going to try and get some gigs in Ibiza and that. It will be such a shame IMO if he does make it big because we wouldn't see him as much . No but seriously if he did make it, it really could not happen to a nicer guy.