I think Richard is there anyway isn't he? Actually, I shouldn't have put that he's live on Radio 1 as it'll be recorded
sounds fuckin tasty as!!!! Wish i could go to promise tonite i loved last wkend, fuck knows when i can go next
lol no no.....ive just got a tendency to dress up im my nurse outfit when i go clubbing,im a pretend one :angel:
GRRRRRR!! Taxi was 30 mins late so i missed it!!!!!! sooo pisseed off!! Rachey, you off to promise tomorrow?
hi chris it's angela, i wish i was at promise now it's not fair, are we still on for tomorrow nite?:spangled:
Angie's class when, er, 'in a horsey mood'. Sits completely spaced out just staring at shit, not saying anythin, looking somewhat similar to a mental patient. Actually quite scary tbh :spangled: Still, mad all the same
me and lainey behaved ourselfs tho we didn't get too fucked!!! i just sat on chris' bed for a bit staring at the wall
Broony was worst in Chris's bedroom. I had been mixing for hours, nearing the end of an old skool set, couldn;t be arsed, Broony wanted a go, I goes "Here, you can have a blast", then he just flipped and started goin "I don;t think I can!", "I cant!, "I can't do it", then started goin "Fuck, where am I?", n shutting the door, n acting really scared Worst bit was, Chris has no monitors, and the speakers were out in the hallway, shutting the door made it fucking rock to mix :evil:
i left the room tho when i could move coz i didn't want to sit there doin nothin no more i was para u and broony would think i was strange, so i went and sat on the couch where i sat for the next fuck knows how many hrs!