Resistance - 9th August 2003 After yet another quality night on Saturday with the whole basement rocking till a stupid hour we're back this Saturday for whats surely gonna be another stormer!! (even if we don't know who's playing exactly yet!). This week we are joined by Tri-Hard, you all know who they are so they hardly need any introduction. They will be playing the warm-up from 7pm till 9pm so get there early or you'll miss out. I've yet to see one of their sets myself so I'm very interested what with all the talk of them all over the board!! Our other guest on the night will be our good mate Iain Burns who was a finalist in the Promise DJ competition and a resident at Looseheads at Satelite. SATURDAY 9th AUGUST 2003 in the STOUT FIDDLER'S BASEMENT featuring Tri-Hard & Iain Burns and residents Lee Kerr, Michael Telford and Gareth Hocking. 7pm till ? - £1 Entry. Drinks promo's all night. Limited Free CD Giveaways - Not sure what yet though For more information call 07867761753.
Erm, no its no is it. Bastard copy 'n' paste, I thought it would just save hassle aswell!! Me heads still spannered from the last one.
Our other guest on the night will be our good mate Iain Burns who was a finalist in the Promise DJ competition and a resident at Looseheads at Satelite.
I'm sure the lads will pull a blinder out the hat as usual. Will try my best to be there, but my legs still don't work after the last one. Anybody lend us a wheelchair ?
Think me mates got some crutches I could steal!! You've got to take it easy this week anyway! Keep yer self good for Sunday.
Indeed!! Was another quality night, Batfink and Jambon's set was spot on, we'll definitely be getting them on again and hopefully next time Mr. Revel will be able to join them!!!! Cheers for coming down and playing!!!! Another big thanks to Iain Burns for a quality set and a quality sound-system!! It was scaring the shit out of me it was that loud!!!!
gutted i couldnt come down and play. we had all been really looking forward to playing, but i thought vision was on the friday! and i had already made plans to go but james + liam did a good job by the sounds of it. i will hopefully get a chance to play their sometime.... (maybe even a breaks set? )
I dont see the point of a of an all nighter, definately get the breaks reprezented though. We'll have to get ste to play.