Resistance – 25th October 2003 in the basement of the Stout Fiddler Across the road from Warner Brothers Cinema, just up from Foundation. featuring Ali Finlay & Nick Rodger plus residents Iain Burns, Gareth Hocking, Lee Kerr, Michael Telford. One pound entry, 7pm till 11pm
Divven't nah what to say... It'll be class, I'll be there, so will you... If anyone would to know anything else stick it down here and I might answer.
you could put something on like, Check out IdJ (International dj mag) mixtape winner ali finlay. People shoul definately be checking this guy out. His mixes (sets/cds) are all ways top notch, better than most a-list dj's. Also a first time guest apperence from nick roger. This guy's sound is class! hope to see a few you's down there!
I'll actually be there for this one! Haven't seen Nick since Fragile so will have to catch up with him :groovy:
. Def be here for this one (eventually!). Ali Finlay rocks, has actually won IDJ twice. His march mix from this is one of the best mixes I have heard all year. Gareth, will this be finishing at 11? Danny
Aye, 11pm finishes all round from now on I'm afraid. Gone is the 4am, fucked-up craziness that we all loved so well.
Re: .. yeah Dan, curious police possibly a bit of a tip off perhaps you not know how to use the PM system or what ?
.. Tried to send you a message, but you inbox is full mate. I will await one winging its way from you to me. Hope to see you on Sat at Resistance.