Recording in Soundforge... how do you decrease the recording volume in soundforge? when i hook it up to my mixer i have to have the channel faders really low or the volume in soundforge is too high an it all distorts... if that makes any sense? i've tried decreasing the microphone level but it doesn't seem to work... :spangled:
1. Check how high your master output on your mixer is. 2. Check How high you have got your gains on your mixer. (make usre its not clipping.) 3. Open your windows sound panel from the control panel. - You can adjust the overall Wave volume, and the line-in volume, set them at a reasonable level (check in soundforge) 4. When u open the recod pannel in soundforge i think u can move the level up and down aswell? fiddling with a combination of these things should work.
checked the 1st 2 already, will try the next 2, cos i think i changed the mic vol in the control panel, which could be why it didn't work... thanks.