Reclassification: Was it worth it? Home Secretary David Blunkett went ahead as expected in reclassifying cannabis in the UK from class B to class C, but decided possession of the drug should remain an arrestable offence. Key points of Blunkett's decision: Cannabis will be reclassified from class B to class C Police will retain powers of arrest for possession in certain circumstances Possible new offence of supplying drugs to young children Maximum sentence for supply to be raised to 14 years Changes held back for a year No change in classification of ecstasy as class B No plans to give heroin users access to safe shooting galleries Cannabis and other drug users get a bum deal: Does passing a spliff constitute supply? UK has the worst drug problem and the most brutal drug laws in Europe in comparison with countries that have successfully decriminalised cannabis possession, eg. Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. The new UK laws are ambiguous and make things harder, not easier, for both police and users. Those who light up a spliff near a school or repeatedly light up in a public place where other people object to their drug use could still find themselves marched off to the police station. The reclassification of cannabis is going to be postponed for a year because new laws are being brought into play: such as the law that will make it illegal to blow dope smoke into a policeman's face. Blunkett has also dismissed the creation of heroin shooting galleries, which would save lives and drop crime rates, and the reclassification of ecstasy to class B or C, regardless of evidence which suggests that the main dangers of ecstasy use are its adulteration with other substances, due to the black market, and users' failure to keep water consumption at safe levels, which is due to lack of information. Discuss.............
i never think of cannabis as being an illegal substance, i know that sounds stupid, but pills, coke and other drugs, i think of as being illegal, sumhow, cannabis, i dont. any1 else like that?
I was 4 a long time!! Me & my mates got 2 the point were we openly smoking Dope in the nearby parks etc.. And completely tuck it 4 granted that u could get arested 4 it:evil: Until 1 day when we had been up all night really did'nt no what was going on an we all got arested 4 smoking Dope:evil: Lucky the Police could'nt charge us 4 anything Ever since then that changed my perspective of Drugs!!
well - in answer to the initial question - no. all the positive points of the planned reclassification have been done away with - making the whole proceedure entirely pointless. when i first heard about this i thought it was a step in the right direction, but it seems they arent willing to take it that extra step.
I agree with ya there spub but as ya said "that extra step" mabey you should of said "next step" you can expect it to be legalise over night its going to take time.
Yea, i would say that sums up hat i meant to say better . I now dont think it seems likely they will take that all important next step, they have been so reluctant to make this first step, the whole point of the reclassification was lost in the process. However - the simple fact they have reclassified it (even if it is of no benefit to users) can still be seen as a tiny step in the right direction, but now i would say the big question for everyone is: Will they take the next step? An optimist might say yes - but in all honesty i dont think they will, unfortunately.
Personally i think they will but as to when i dont know. If they have come from being dead set against the drug to partially legalising it why cant they go the rest of the way?
This is true, as u say, theres no reason why it cant - but as it stands, i just have that feeling it wont
havin a smoke is no worse than goin out on the piss. but when ya pissed some people get angry and cause violence. i dont know anyone who kicked off after smokin a joint. and its not as if ya cant do things when stoned. ive taken exams stoned and passed with flyin colours. in fact most of my gcse's i was. and now im an architect.
i've met 1 person who flips out if they smoke the rest of us r just 2 stoned to b bothered!!!! from the cost aspect it shouldn't b legalised cos the government wud wack mega taxes on it & try to ensure there is no black market!! (like that'd work!! - altho it wud b harder to get hold of therefore putting prices up!!!) & passing a spliff does constitute as supplying!!! i can understand tougher laws 4 those dealing to kids or smoking near kids but 4 the rest of us its pants!!! its not really decriminalising it's just shifting the laws around to suit themselves!!!
i reckon they are just tryin to trick all the stoners into thinkin its good for em and hope they are too stoned to realise!! but we're smarter than them :chill:
hail maracca!!!! **bows b4 him!!** on 2nd thoughts..............if u make me a spliff i'll hail ya as a king!!