Reasonable computer repair places? Georgina is still having trouble with her laptop seriously overheating on a regular basis. We've tried all the usual stuff and had no luck with it so we're thinking of taking it somewhere to get it looked at. Does anyone know anyone/anywhere who'll do this at a reasonable price? Cheers.
I was gona jump in and say ill fix it but if its a laptop overheating then not something I could help with... Are the fans etc OK? How old is it? Perhaps contact the seller? Whats actually happening....freezing etc? Got to be careful with laptops and keep a flow of air underneath as much as you can....although im pretty sure you will already know all this Is this still the same issue from when you posted about it a while back? Other than that....Perhaps PC world or something, I cant think of many places like that off the top of my head to be honest Lee
Yeh it is. Its basically just overheating then turning itself off when it obviously can't take anymore. Probably a problem with the fan. PC World is probably the best bet, I just don't like their prices. Thanks for the advice tho mate.
They are shit.. I used to work for them.. Don't use them! Have a quick look in the yellow pages instead..
The best advice I can give you is have a look on ebay for your particular laptop... there are a lot of people that sell them in parts and you may be able to get a replacement fan set that way. I've just found a replacement lid for my girlfriend's laptop (the hinges were developing huge cracks across them) for £14 and the things like new If you did find one I'd be more than willing to fit it for you.
STOP RIGHT THERE!!! Listen up gimps... PC World, ComputerOrbit indeed... Right, for laptop repairs, there's a company in Washington called 'MindMachine' that do repairs. For about £40 they'll collect it and give u an estimate on how much it'll cost to get fixed. If u go ahead with the repairs, the £40 is taken off the bill - or if u just want it back, just pay the £40. it's a spot on company that my places uses. However, if it's a flashy Sony Vaio or something - u may have bother - Sony are notorious for not supplying spares and having to pay thru the nose for them to fix it. Toshiba, Samsung, stuff like that are usually ok. If it's just a fan that's knackered, you can get spares from PC World Business - not the cheapest but they sell most thing. The Man of Science has spoken. Heel Screech.
GOD! Im not even geeky and even I know not to touch those places with a barge pole except for a last resort!
Cheers people. We're not certain its the fan, it just seems the most obvious thing, so we'd need to get it checked out before doing anything else really. Thanks MoS.
Wow so you pay £40 for someone to take it away, the call you an hour later and say " Yes mate, its broken"