Really upset! Last night about 1015 on my way home from work I was flying down the spine road and all of a sudden there was something lieing in the middle of the road. As I drove past I thought i saw what looked like a cat that had been run over but was still alive! as its tail was going for it! I fucking lost my balls and kept going! When I got home me and my mum went back to see it is was ok! Sadly not, dead as a door post! But what i thought was a cat turned out to be a badger! I was proper gutted and could'nt sleep for ages and all i could think about was its tail wagging when i drove past the first time! Why the fuck didnt i stop? What should I have done if i did stop? And more importantly whoever the sick fuck was that run it down why didnt they stop???? It was a big badger they must have known!!!! Ive never seen a badger in the wild b4, now my only experiance of one was a dead one with its guts spilt all over the road!!!! Im really upset about it!
Sorry to hear that mate By the sounds of it maybe it being dead is the best place for it - you dont have yourself to blame tho coz you have done summit about what ya seen - even if you didnt get out in the first place ya mum went back and that shows ya care - some people have no feelings but youve shown that ya have by doin what ya did ! Keep ur chin up
Cheers bud!!! Your right probs better dead than the mess it was left in! When we went back we moved it to side of the road and covered it with a towel as if to say "see you later, hope you had a good un?"
Even doin that shows that ya care - ive got two cats and i know for fact that if owt happened to them id be and i know my mother would be too as there the only pets that we have - think of all the cars that have possibly went passed and ignored it and then theres you that went back and did summit decent and caring !! Is say ya deserve a pat on the back mate
*Pats self on back!!* Thanks bud, cheared me up no end!!! How come your not at work anyway? Or do you not work there anymore?
Im @ my lasses mate In Manchester at the moment coz off on sick - id post why on here but dont wanna get me - i dunno how long im gonna be off for like but longer the better really as i hate that feckin place !! You know yaself what its like there - gimps paradise !!!
If ya can get on msn am on there I shall be lookin in my time off for a new job like - i think id rather be on the rock n role @ times than there !!!
my dad once killed a deer on the way back from a meeting in scotland and he was gutted about it...he told his employees and for weeks he had notes on his desk saying bambi killer...and sandwiches labelled venison...awww me poor dad was ded guilty for ages
Me and my dad were driving back from Scotland when he hit something, so we pulled over and found a big rabbit lying on the road twitching. As we were looking a police car pulled over to see what the matter was, the police got out and asked what happened so we explained that it must have just ran out infront of the car and got hit. The police said that they might be able to help the rabbit, so he went to the back of the car opened the boot and got out this spray can out he came over and sprayed the rabbit. It twitched a bit then suddenlt got up and sprinted off into the fields, i nearly shit at this and ascked the policeman what he sprayed it with and he said it was "hare restorer" sorry
oh and yesterday i squashed a baby lizard with my bare foot at the bottom of the stairs....its still on the kitchen bench waiting to be buried cus i cant bring myself to throw it in the bin was an accident!!! lol at comedown kid!!
we were on wa way home once when we passed wot me mam thought was a big black bin line in middle of road, (was canny dark like) she was like "people sumtimes put there kittens in bags and throw them in rivers and on motorways and stuff when they dont want them" so we had to drive about 5 miles to get ack to the bag, then me father had to jump out sprint across lanes and nearly kill himself in process!!.................... anyways he comes running back and gets in car and drive off not sayin a word 4 bout 2 miles, when me ma had the balls to ask wot it was.................................... me dad turns, gives the filtiest look (if looks could kill!!) and tells how he got there only to find it was a big pile of horse shnit!! haha, never lived it down for months!