Random : Best/Worst Tune Ever! My mates have been running this thread on forums they're on, just to see what they turn up, so I thought what the hell. Whats your favourite dance track and why? (can be any dance, funky, trance, drum n bass, techno, deep etc) conversely, whats the worst dance track you've ever heard? tracks can be past or present
Best - Afro Medusa - Pasilda Worst - Heaven's Cry - Til Tears Do Us Part Sure I've heard worse than that Heaven's Cry tune mind, just can't think of what it is!
I like Heavens Cry it was a Sundissential North anthem when it got played the atmosphere went up another level
Favourite - Nu yorkin soul - Runnaway (van helden mix) Worst Kernkraft - Zombie Nation Heavans cry was an anthem
My fave tune: Kings of Tomorrow - Finally and the crime against music for me would have to be: Jon Wayne - Because The Night cheap mass produced trash
best Fused - Terror never heard it out.. but i work at tigertiger +I get free a run on the 1210s in the club before the the scrutters are let in.. put it on last sat and it sounded class... worst Time to Burn - Storm (?) awfuuul...