Rain I'm on nightshift this week...just got up to go to work and my mums kitchen is flooded How long has it been raining for ? wasn't @ 5 this morning Fucking hate this shit country
it would have been the last thing you ever done i would find out where you live, have a pap in some newspaper, wrap it up then set fire to it on ya doorstep and watch you stamp it out or i just kick ya bins over and smash ya green house
agreed it would have! Me and Mick got a woman carrying her shopping once! She waited for all the cars to go through before she walked past, we were still in front of it and i signalled to her to go past and that we would wait.....did we fuck...mick floored it and soaked her and i'd imagine ruined her shoppin i love crack like that !
if ya wanna be REALLY cruel but blackcurrant cordial in them instead of water! drive round town on a saturday night and target ppl wearing white
We did actually fill it up once with Blackcurrant but didn't have the balls to go threw with it, I would pay to see the looks on people's faces, especially all the ones walking around like they're the dogs bollocks
thats fuckin shockin that so does this mean ppl are going to get locked up in the summer for slinging water bombs!
werd i was the daddy at egg antics as a lad. the fun a boy and his mates can have with eggs. some fishing wire and a sky remote.... untold