Radio 1 Now Anyone listening to Dance anthems? their doing the best 30 dance tunes of all time. (Well......) Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar @ 26 and Barthezz - On the Move No.10 WTF!!?? Me thinks the Burberry cap wearing idiots have been voting! Well at least Binary Finary is up their
aawww im reeli enjoyin it all!! tis commercialised dance music at its best!! the old stuffs always the best!! not too sure why cafe del mar is placed so low down like cos last year when dave pearce did the top 30 or mebbes even top 50, cafe del mar was numba one so not too sure whats happened this year...??!! xxxx
Lol sorry crasher, couldnt be bothered to read the other posts! All the best tunes were in 20-10, Gouyella, BT - Flaming June (thee tune of 1996!!) and system f
lol no bother barthezz ... why. :spangled: last year ivd - castles was high up.. thank fook its gone!