Rachel MY MY how you have grown up! I thought I had walked into "For Your Eyes Only" by mistake? Judge Jules would not approve!
!!!!! me rachel do u mean....??!! or a different rachel....??!!! dont wanna embarrass maself by replying to this thread incase ur on about sumone completley different!!! well not sumone different but sumone else called rachel if that makes much sense!!! xxx
shit sorry of course u mean me hence the whole judge jules thing!! hehehe god how stupid am i sumtimes!! how dya mean i've grown up.....??!! hehe!! xxx
Pike cud not believe his eyes!!! "Bloody hell is that Rachel over there?!?!?! " "What IS she doing?!?!"
i was thinking on that photo of pike that it looked more like he had just pulled and turned around and rejoiced or sumat...now it makes sense
"dirty dancin"!!! shurrup man not at all oh my god i totally cant even remember none of that but i couldnt dirty dance if my ife depended upon it!! at least i dont fink so anyways!! fink u must av seen sumone else n thought it was me perhaps...??!! xxxx