Race for Life - thanks to all who donated at such short notice. I raised about £130 in total. If you still need to pay up then give me a shout this week so I can send it all off. The 'race' itself was a real buzz. We only ran for the first 500m and the last km, it was so busy it was slow walking at some points. A lot of people had signs on their back saying who they were running for - some of them had five or six names of people they had lost or had suffered through cancer. Certainly made you think. Thanks also to wor lad who rolled outta bed after not much sleep to come and give moral support and take photos of me looking fit (to drop).
Re: Race for Life - thanks WELL DONE HUN !!!!!!!!!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: post the pic's then eh!!!LLOL
I did it too, ran the whole thing, feeling a little stiff today!! was amazing very emotional, I ran for my friend and his brother. I was nearly in tears at the start though got very overwhelmed by the amount of people and their messages.
My girfriend did this yesterday too. Good day for it and a good turn out (4000 runners was it?). Going to do the men's 5K at Exhibition park next month in memory of my mum.
yeh turn out was amazing!!! i came in within the first 2 to 300 so was really proud considering I'd done next to no training and had been at Digiraz on sat dancing till half 2 Lol. Dancing is good preperation