du du du du du du du!! god im sorry im in such a silly mood 2day i was just meaning the song david forbes questions when it goes "questions" then does that bit that i just put, was just singing along....hhhmmm does anyone know what im one about sorry if they dont!! ur question fing really confuses me so im sorry but i hav no idea wat the answer is..... got another question here though if any one can be bothered to answer it, well actually its not a question i dont fink, its a riddle....... Man utd play Arsenal , Man utd win three nill and Van nistilroy gets the hatrick He scores two in the first half, But gets sent off just before the end of the first half How does he score his third goal? Answers on a post card! twocked from the john kelly msg board!! am not clever enuff maself to think of these things!! xxx
oh shut up u useless piece of crap, i dont understand right, go back to ure weight watchers meeting n try n loose some of that flab!!! fat cunt!
aawww no-one wants to anwer my little riddle thing boo hoo jeff, kerry anwer ma riddle fing 4 me so i dont look all silly 4 posting sumfink up that no-ones replied to please haha!! xxxx
aaaww thank u 4 replyin ma darlin!! if it helps i havent got a clue bout the first question either!!! the answer 2 my iccle thing is BUTT!! so its a bit of a trick question but it works if ya say it rather than write it down!!! xxxx
ah right, sorry, im not up to scratch with all htis footie stuff, lol, ill have to read it over again to make sure i get it. so ure saying it was nicky butt who scored the last one, not that other person who got sent off? i thought u were guna say coz he scored the goal with his butt or something, lol