Question.. I got a new phone today, which is the same as one of my flatmate's. She is now not speaking to u think this is justified? I dont...becasue it's only a phone for christ's sakes!
My god, if I stopped speaking to everyone who had the same things as me, I wouldn't have any friends Me and 3 other friends all have the same skirt at the minute and before one of us wears it we have to ring round the others to make sure noone else is
I think it's really's not like we're going to be out somewhere and someone's going to go "oh my god you've got the same phone, how embarrassing". I really wouldnt give a shit if someone got the same stuff as me....i think i would take it more as a compliment!
But hundreds and hundreds of people get the same phones!! My friend stopped speaking to somebody because they got their belly pierced and she had it done
Just imagine if people on here did that. "Im not speaking to you becuase you bought that Vinyl and ive got it" :argue:
Thats a bit silly I wouldnt be bothered. Stephen was gonna get the same fone as me (only cos it was a good deal. Oh and its pretty ) but he's keeping his now