
Discussion in 'Music' started by SAS Badger, Jun 17, 2002.

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  1. SAS Badger

    SAS Badger

    May 12, 2002
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    Area 51

    Ah Big Dave & Sloppy question, do you have ears? Why do you think he was on on Friday? Well I'll tell you the Kremlin where he was meant to be turned around and said " We don't want him on in our club". Why could that be? Is it because he is too good and he would embarass their DJ's? ha ha ha I THINK NOT. For some reason there are alot of people who are under the impression that Mr Tulip is this high and mighty DJ who is class. Sorry to disappoint you but he is far from class. There are DJ's who would not be where they are if they didnt kiss arse or have a mate that gives them a break. E.G Mr Tulip, Oli Faulkner both do not deserve to be in the position they are.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Rozz

    Rozz Registered User

    Feb 26, 2002
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    12" from the speakers!
    Re: Question?

    And what position do you propose they be in???
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Dear Mr Badger you strike me as a very inteligent retard, you can't even speak your own mind you indecisive fuck witt - Please please please enlighten us and tell us how say super star dj's like judge jules, tall paul, maur picotto are better than our home grown ressie (and the shacks ressie for that matter)....

    Richard Tulip isn't creditted for his ability to follow musical fashions, drop big tune after big tune or any shite like that.... We give richard the due praise (just like some give oli) for his ability to create an amazing atmosphere week in, week out.... how many dj's can you name that can seamlessy bridge between Pete Gooding and Eddie halliwell?!?!?

    As for the kremlin, wtf does that have to do with him playing a late set at promise?!?!?!? You haven't got a clue mate :D

    I thought both jules and richard played amazing sets on friday..... but then I'm just an uneducated cyber :rolleyes:
  5. Dave The Rave

    Dave The Rave

    May 9, 2002
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    rosamar appartments
    SAS BADGER can i just ask where u get all of your patter from i can't help but to laugh at your bullshit threads. tulip does'nt claim to be massive he plays week in week out and has only missed two promises since it opened. we the promise FAITHFUL have only respect for the man and it is well deserved. will you please stop filling the board with shite
  6. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Mr Badger, i have to say that post of yours is the biggest pile of bollox ive ever read in my life. And i end up reading the Sun everyday at work.
  7. Dave The Rave

    Dave The Rave

    May 9, 2002
    Likes Received:
    rosamar appartments
    SAS badger u must be a wind up are u clarki in disguise and just post utter shite to piss the rest of us off
  8. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Badger, u strike me as a total twat, who really has no idea.
    it seems as if u have no ears if u think the Richard Tulip isnt a good DJ. Although sometimes he doesnt play quite what i like, he is nevertheless and awesome DJ. His mixing is top class, and he can pretty much play any style, as seen recently.

    Have u even seen richard tulip DJ? from this post i can only imagine that u havent. Or have no idea about Music.

    He was on on friday probably cos he also runs promise, and isnt just a ressie, so he had to look after the club.

    Dave + Dave do have ears....very nice ears...we all like to have a nibble now and again ;) :p
  9. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    yeah mr badger, do u really think any1 on this board is going to agree with the shit that comes out ur mouth?
    in my opinion, richard tulip is a fantastic dj, and he works really hard to make the club a success.
    why do u feel the need to slag ther club off, yet u r a member of the board?do u even like promise? if not, why dont u just piss off and tell some1 else ur stupid opinions
  10. mr. brook

    mr. brook Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    bored at work
    go f**k urself badger, tulip is amazin, week in week out. u obviously dont see him week in week out as ur opinion of him is very wrong. hes a class dj, and has had acclaim from not only the djs he warms up 4/plays after,but magazines like mixmag, which rate him very highly.
  11. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    hmmmmmmmmm no retaliation from BROCK the CROCK

    shame!! must have scared him away.

    The thing is, its something Richard deserves cos hes one of the nicest blokes you will meet so i wont have anyone slagging him off. He deserves support and his position and more!!

    his mixing is second to none too, i dont think ive ever heard one beat out in all the time ive heard him play.

    Also, he has the broadest record collection ever, and can play to warm up any style of DJ that plays at Promise. He can even play old skool and any maain peak set!!! now thats talent! thats dedication and thats intelligence! and you know what, he still has years ahead of him!
  12. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    Re: Question? u make me laff my friend...u picked the wrong person to have a dissagrement wif mate, cos i always have the last word and in my mind im always right so u are never gonna win!:p

    i was praising richard because usually the richard we get to see is the one who warms up for other DJ's and plays a style of music that im not too fond off...i.e driving trance, abit of prog, corvin style stuff etc..

    however on friday he played trance/hard trance which i am fond of and isnt usually what we get from richard...i was simply praising him because he showed us another side to him that we dont get to see...and he did a good fuckin job of it too

    to be fair mate...he kicked jules arse...who after 3 hours of playin his 'annoyin noise tunes'...a few good hard trance tunes...oh yeah and the camera tune (how many more times can we hear this in his sets)....bored me senseless

    in my post i wasnt arse lickin richard...i was givin him credit where it was due

    now if u wouldnt mind...would u politely just

    FUCK OFF:)
  13. Karl51

    Karl51 Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    omg hes back again:( :eek: :( wot every1 else said cant b arsed wi ya!
  14. Guest

    I aint heard wor dick in a while but from what i have heard he has done nothing but impress me.

    I think i'll have to disagree with you here badger although not as harsh as the rest! ;)
  15. CLARKi

    CLARKi Registered User

    Jan 23, 2002
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    The Office
    been there! done that! got the ELLIS DEE t-shirt!

    sorry it aint me! besides i wouldnt have a shit name like SAS BADGER tis a f'n toilet name!
  16. Dave The Rave

    Dave The Rave

    May 9, 2002
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    rosamar appartments
    i just thought u would be the only one daft enough to post shit like this :D
  17. bellini


    Nov 19, 2001
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    hahahaha...its mint wen sum1 puts up a post like this, n the person who made the 1st shocking statement seems2 mysteriously disappeer n not write a reply!its just a long post of insults!class!

  18. SAS Badger

    SAS Badger

    May 12, 2002
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    Area 51
    my goal

    If you think that im out on a mission to slag every DJ off you are all very badly mistaken. For 1 I was all in praise of Mr Jules on Friday night I think he was impressive and a vast improvement on the last time I heard him. Even Mr Tulip changed to a harder edge which was good to hear. Like Smart E says "he's not there to drop big tune after big tune" and he's correct, BUT, he is there to build a set which builds the crowd into a frenzy for the guest DJ. This I find he doesn't do as well as a DJ that has been DJing for the length of time he has does!!!! I don't think he is shite, I just think a DJ of his caliber should be better. And to Fizz I never said he wasn't a nice bloke, I hear he is a top bloke and he is a good laugh by all accounts. To sloppy "In my mind I'm always right" hhmmm not the most rational of people are you. Misguided child are we? Im hear to give my opinion and if you don't agree im fine with that , but in return all i ask is a interlectual answers not just f*ck off and you are a tw*t. not very constructive or mature is it now? Anyway as I was saying my aim is to hear the highest standards of ability when i go out to clubs and i think that there is better talent around. If there was a competition locally on a large scale i think we would all have our eyes opened to the truth.
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    A warm up dj isn't there to work the crowd into a frenzy?!?!?

    He's there to get the crowd ready for the main slot dj... the main slot dj's job is to work the crowd into a frenzy.... A warm up dj's job is to do exactly as his status says - warm up! This is what richie tulip does week in week out.... And he's higly skilled at doing this.

    A warm up dj warm's up the crowd... it aint that hard a concept to grasp :D
  20. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    Re: my goal

    and to ask 'whether i had ears' was extremely constructive and intellectual wasnt it?:rolleyes:

    as for my commments about always bein right...have u never been on here before? my comments were in jest mate...but while we are on about it...i do think i am right in sayin that richard was fuckin excellent during the last hour on in my mind i am still right...see how it works?:p

    i gave my opinion on tulip and you hit me with comments on 'arse kissin' and stuff, which i never do, so its only right if i reply to u in a rather harsh manner...

    as for bein a misguided child..i think you've hit the nail right on the head bearin in mind, i am only 18, dropped out of uni, have no job (till monday that is) and live solely for the weekend...clever lad:)

    and just to be picky...i never called u a twat...i was keepin that for later posts:cool:
  21. lottie


    May 4, 2002
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    Ryton (don't worry, no-one else knows where it is
    You know what I'm really sick of? People who diss others for givning an opinion. Another thing I hate - Sheep. No, not the little cute fluffy things that go 'baa' - but people who are too worried about what their cronies will think about them to give an honest opinion. Come on - you cant all love Mr Tulip; I for one think he's shit. I have an inkling - but I may be wrong - that half of you don't particularly enjoy Mr Tulip, but feel that you must pretend that you do in order to agree with your mates.
    I have to say that I agree with Badger - I do not rate Mr Tulip. The last time I saw him was a couple of weeks back when he warmed up for the superb John Kelly. I spent the night upstairs until Mr Kelly graced the decks, because I was sick of hearing Tulips shite - music with no feeling or emotion would be a good way to describe his sets.
    These message boards are here for the sole purpose of giving us clubbers a chance to express an opinion, so leave off SAS Badger, and let him, and everyone else, get on with it.

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