Put Downs Random i know but if your arguing with someone what is your very best 'put down' that you would use to clamp them up? this should be funny
Iam a big fan of "listen fuck off i have had better looking shits" or "if the dog had not beat me up the stairs i would of been your dad"
my mate was walking along the road 1 day with her dog & it went over to some bloke & started sniffing his crotch...the bloke decided to kick the dog repeatedly in the head & when vicky asked him to stop he tried to say that the dog was going to bite his daughter in the buggy...vicky explained that her dog was sniffing his crotch & wasn't interested in the kid... his missis was about to start piping up with something when vicky turned & pointed at her saying look, i've got my bitch under control now i suggest you get yours before clicking her fingers & the dog obentiantly sat beside her!
Heard a good one the other day..... "do I come and knock the dick out of your mouth when you're at work??"
Worst I've heard for a while is: "You like Hard House therefore i have won the argument, so fuck off !" Childish yet arrogant at the same time...