Pussy Awwwwwwwwwww! I've got a soft spot for cats me. I'm a pussy myself. He's still sitting there in exactly the same position on my bed. Lush
cats.. pah..... there just rats with err... fur and err... tails.... this was going sumwhere.... sharks rool!
It's all snuggled up in a ball. I'm also a Pussy lover. I've got a Siamese that right now will probably be snuggled up on her cat hammock that’s attached to a radiator. Real spoilt Puss.
I h8 cats how can u call them pets? U can't take em 4 walks, they come and go as they please and they eat when they please Dogs r class, even though i h8 my 2!!! Still a mans best friend
1 of the cats my grandma had years ago had a cheese fetish & also oddly enuff it also had a fetish dairy milk!!!
Both my cats love the stuff...especially blocks of cheddar....and our kitten loves potatoe (only mashed tho)...
My cat gets a hardon over cheese. Oh and he sometimes licks my ear when he wants me to wake up (only happens if i've been lying in and he's hungry). Scary when he interrupts a dream
Our kitten licks your neck when it goes to sleep...she's called 'tiesto' (how sad is that) and my other cats called 'Toot' (coz shes got a white line down her nose)....
lexy my m8's cat nibbles on ya nose & clicks at ya hair when she's hungry......................that's when she's feeling cute..........that doesn't happen much these days so ur more likely to b woken rudely by ur feet/legs being shreaded by lexy who is under the covers attacking u!!!