Push (M.I.K.E) Live Set How good would it be if Promise signed up M.I.K.E to do a live set? To be honest him & JOOF would be the only things that would persuade me to go to Gods NEC.... should we start a petition do you reckon?
Re: Push (M.I.K.E) Live Set may i suggest u have a look at the listings on the home page my dear unless u mean a live set as in samplers and all... like K90
I mean a proper live set, like Nu NRG, Way Out West, Underworld etc have done - not a live mix. I've seen plenty of M.I.K.E's normal sets thanx, and I'll be seeing him again this Saturday Haven't you seen the lineup for God's NEC?
You're not alone, I would like to hear a Push live set. I'm sure he's booked to do one at the next NEC or somewhere like that? I went to the first NEC and JunkieXL played a live set, it was the set of the night for me. I don't say that because I thought the DJ sets were shit, because they weren't, but JXL played some awesome live trance.
Re: Push (M.I.K.E) Live Set Your on the wrong board darling... half the people on this site don't even know M.I.K.E is a producer... I'm with you and trancey - it would be swell madchris - can't you pm her?
Re: Re: Push (M.I.K.E) Live Set he did, back on Febuary 13th & I never saw it (I've only just found it now!) Its because they don't pop up on this board