Purvy's Profile Pic That pic is mint! Was telling Nass & Rossi about it last night. Purvy looks his usual, green-haired self, but Orbit looks well mint! That's gota be one for the Promise flyer like!
whos orbit, is that vinny the kid who ive known for ages and just relised his brothers with my best mates sister? that pic is kinda cool orbit looks gone!!!hahahahahaha
ive only seen him look normal once and that was before i really knew him, durin the world cup. hes mad though! what u doin nye smartie??
Oh I have. I've met him twice, once through the day when he was on his lunch break from work (Outside Greggs with Kerry), and then again on the 20th. He's like a Jekyll & Hyde character, completely different person at night! Still, the dude has CLASS opinions on music, BRING BACK THE PROG! Oh yeh, and for a link, just click "Profile" under Purvy's (Craig Verine) name
What u lot on about? That picture isnt me! Is it? Oy my god i look horrible!! Purvy take that picture off your profile and destroy it now!!! :evil: And when did i see u during the world cup? Dont remember that. ps I am a perfectly normal respectable human being. Ok.
u did see me durin the world cup with parky, fraser, tan and the rest of them in the stars!!! i was with chu aswell!! dont even matter anyway vinny me old son!!!