Punk For all you punk fans out there.....yes, both of u!!! Apparently a pub in Sunderland, Sinatra's, is putting on a punk night on the 8th Feb, just thought I would let u know incase u r interested!!! Also, Annabell in Sunderland is now running a weekly hard house night on Fridays, it is guaranteed to be full of Charvas and it will be crap but just thought I would let u all know!!! I suppose I shouldn't judge it before I see what it is like so I will be going along some time soon, does anyone fancy coming with me to back me up incase some massive charva doesn't like the look of me?!?!?
Is there such thing as a massive charva!?! Thought they were all little runts who simply think there massive!
Nah, they are all massive in Sunderland!!! Actually, u cud be right, I don't recall ever seeing a massive charva!!! How strange!!!
Sample new monkey conversation Clarki D)- "Ere mista, ya got any cowies like how?" Charva 2 - "De ye want fuckin stabbin like?" Clarki D) - "Eya, fuck off, do ye kna we our boy is like?"
I heard some Charvas arguing the other night...... one was shouting at the other and he replied "Ear, Divint be kicking your lips of at me man" "Divint be kicking your lips off" = shouting How fucking good is that? I am going to use that line this week somehow.
I used to go out with a makem bird for a bit, I made her wear my toon top whilst giver her the good news happy days, it's not only on the pitch you can fuck a makem