psychics or however you spell it i know glitter went to see one years ago.. but people at work this week have been harping on about how good psychics were and how accurate they speak about you even though they are total strangers. have any of you been? reccomend any? how much are they? i'm interested..
I quite want to go and see one, I know they are likely to be fake, but I won't go because I'm scared they will tell me something I really don't want to hear and i'll be worried for ever just incase they weren't fake. :spangled: I read the title as 'Physics'. Was just thinking it was an odd topic. I'll go back to sleep now
no really.. the things they'd come out with were very personal and unique to that person - there's no way on earth they could have guessed..
I think some psychics re genuine's jst sorting these ones out from the fakes..... I've got a friend wo isinto all of this kind of stuff and see's a psychic a couple of times a year who's predictions always come true....
No there is no such thing at all! It's called "cold reading" and anybody can do it with practice. If anyone is interested I can suggest some good books on the subject!
like derren brown? i thought it was the case and i'm guessing your average 'psyhics' just aren't quite as good as him as they tend to be more vauge.
Yes, it's a technique used by mentalists/mind readers like derren brown. It's no big secret really, most of them do not claim to have psychic powers. In fact, many books on cold reading suggest visiting a "psychic" to study and learn from the way they "work"!
A couple of lasses from work went to see the gypsy at the top of the Bigg Market a few weeks ago and said she was brilliant - whether she was bluffing or not, she was fucking spot on and one of them couldn't stop shaking & crying as it had all been so accurate. Tempted to go and see a psychic myself. I'm a believer.
You can't tell things like who's died in your family, or how, or when, by 'cold reading'. Sorry like.
I went to see a medium type bloke and thought he was just crazy at the time But when I listened to the tape he knew how my great grandma died, and even I didnt know that til I told my mam what he'd said He also said that the lad I was seeing would need to go to the dentist, and the same day I knocked one of his teeth out!!! Freaky as fook!! I paid about £15 or something, cant remember tbh
My sister went to see one and like everyones saying not sure if it was a load of shit or not but basically, she says things that are just so accurate you couldnt know them... Her mum died not so long ago and apparently she talked to her last time she went. We were all a bit like :spangled: but she said the women was saying things that sounded exactly like Barbara (her mum) not sure if its believable though or not.. She's told her things im not sure she could have known. She told my sister that my other sister was going to get pregnant and a couple of months ago she did...:spangled: