Yeah it is in two part's Part 1 Eddie + Matt 18th April Part 2 Dave Seaman, Fergie, Scott Project 25th April That's what I think it is anyway's
I was under the impression it was: Part 1 - Matt and Scot Project Part 2 - Seaman, Fergie and Matt But now i think Scot Project isnt playing, so i dont know whats happening instead.
i'll 2nd that.........also if it's gonna go towards u's booking him, i 3rd it & 4th & 5th etc!!! also really plz plz plz record his set mark.........i still can't get over how class he was the last time he played....... thanking you!!!
Fergie..Fergie...Fergie...April excited already.....dont care who else is on.......just Fergie......
whats fergie being playing like these days??? ive seen him quite a few times and ive always had a mint time when ive seen him allow his style has chnaged quite a bit over the past 2 years. first seen him at creamfields 2000 and he played hh was quality!