Promise vs Inside Out I know this has been a topic of a thread b4 but I think this is something that should seriously be considered - especiallly if Promise vs Good Greef is a sucess. I know you'll all be clued up on how good IO + Freefall nites r in Glasgow - and like Promise they have 3 quality residents. Simon Foy, Alan Belshaw + Fraser Latta rock arguably the best club in Britain every month + I think that a residents head 2 head nite would be the stuff dreams r made of and definately would put 2 sleep the thought of 'we need a headliner 2 have a good nite ' theory. (although I know that not everyone thinks that!) Simon Foy vs Matt Hardwick Richard Tulip vs Alan Belshaw Fraser Latta vs Kerry James What's ur thoughts?? Mark + Rob I would love to know what u think (this might be in the wrong section but im drunk!! Soz!) Peace & Love Sully
Fair enough dude, but it would still be cool if we got ur opinion? I'm not trying to push anything, it would be nice to here what people thought about the idea? I don't know if you've been to the Arches for IO Rob but I think you would enjoy it!! By the way, apologies for calling anyone 'dude' on this site - I aint a surfer, it's just that I've been watching 'Point Break' tonight