Promise Opening Times thread on the main forum got me thinking..... seems like some ppl aint that fussed about the warm up sets prior to the main set(s), so dont get in til 11/12/1, and would like more of the main DJ. but opening later isn't gonna happen! What about opening maybe an hour earlier and move all the sets forward so the night gets up to full speed bout 11/12 instead of 12/1..... the ppl who only come for the main sets would get there earlier and have more of the main set ppl who like the vibe and chill of Rich's warm ups get the same but earlier, which would give us somewhere to go earlier than 10. Lot of times we end up kicking our heels til Promise opens co we cant be arsed finding a decent pub for a drink, and if we do go for a drink 1st tbh we're normally just killing time to get in there! just an idea! what d'you reckon?
spot on idea si... escpecially as promise shuts @ 3 a lot.. its makes the night quite short... having the main dj on @ 12.. or the 1st dj on after tulip starting @ 11 makes sense
i never sed rich's choons were chilled dude the clubs got a nice chilled vibe when it still quiet early on, not many ppl in, rich is cranking out that nice dirty prog winding me up nicely, u can catch up with mates n stuff, and I've got that little edgy nervous feeling in me gut waiting for it all to kick off! u not get that?
my guess behind why the visiting djs dont come on till 12/1 is thats that pubs/bars close at 11... people finish in the pubs, and would rather have time to get to promise, dump their coats, get a drink, catch up with other mates, before hittin the dance floor... and its probably these people that make up the vast majority of promise clubbers.
well the lazy twats can just get their arses in gear, get out the pubs half hour early and get in promise in time to do all that before the DJ starts
yes mate I do. It's a mixture of excitement and fear as to how I'm going to behave over the course of the night