promise me this..... so tell about promise.... residents? capacity? opening times? atmosphere? and any other comment you would like to add...(even about a certain brd member)
Ressies... Richard Tulip Matt Hardwick Kerry James Guy Ornadel Eddie Halliwell have i missed any (not sure about Always room!)? Capacity... 1320 though it feels smaller than that, which is good Atmosphere... Very friendly Opening times... 10-3 (sometimes 4) Random Comment... I like Promise loads, and am travelling from London on fri night to be there (I was a student in Newcaslte and am on placement in London, so i do know people there)
poor mr ornadel must be a bit stuck for work at the mo then, coz i dont think crasher are running to book him again soon! do you think this means he'll do my bday party for cheap?
Its marks call. But to be fair (I'm a big ornadel fan) his reputation as a dj is certainly going down, he played promise an awful lot last year and I guess people are getting a bit tierd, he may nto find it as easy to pull the big crowds now, with ornadel's current rep I think a little breaks a great idea so when promise do book him he reclaim his name I'm very cynical when it comes to the ornadels past it debate - I think theres a shit load of life in the old dog yet Every1 has off days and 1 under performance doesn't make a great dj a shit 1 But promise did see an awful lot of him last year and a small break wont do any harm.
im a big ornadel fan too, he has always impressed me when ive seen him, but as you say, when his rep isnt as good as it was (like now for instance) it cant be a bad idea for him to keep his head down i for one look forward to having him back tho
just so people know I was told this before the crasher thang... so this aint a case of promise deserting him after 1 bad performance at another club. This has everything to do with promise