Promise in magazines... Busy trying to compile articles on Promise featured in various magazines or newspapers. If anyone is aware of anything in any of the mags can you try and let me know when and where it featured. Or if you're extra nice could e-mail them through to the usual addy Anything is appreciated!
Found this on ICNewcastle's website Wizards of spin Mar 13 2002 By The Evening Chronicle At a time when the worth of so-called superstar DJs is being increasingly called into question, more and more clubbers are wholeheartedly directing their support to the wheels that keep the clubs in motion, week after week - the resident DJ. Residents, though often overlooked for their lack of globetrotting glitz, are the core of all the best clubs, and always have been, from Lavan at the Paradise Garage, to Sasha at Shellys, to Oakey at Cream and none more less so than Promise resident, Richard Tulip. DJs, performers in general even, are few and far between who can generate a mood or an energy that fits the evening's billing week after week in the way that he can. Promise regulars are quick to point out who they love the most on a Friday night out. That's not to do the guests a disservice, it is just the fact that they are only too aware of the way in which Richard can adapt yet stay true to his own sound. OK, so it does him no harm that he is playing across one of the best sound systems in the UK, but the ability to read a crowd and judge people's moods is something which can neither be taught nor learned. There are no set buttons which just anyone can press to lift up a party. Critics might want to re-think their set ideas regarding what it is to truly perform the next time they have to endure some turgid rock re-hash and bore a room of revellers into oblivion. Club regular Marty says: "He's on week in, week out, warming up for the likes of Mauro Picotto, Paul Van Dyk, and Nick Warren," (themselves all noted for having very distinctive sounds). "Who can say they've done that? Who could actually do that? It takes a very special talent to be able to adapt your sound like Richard can and for it always to work perfectly." You can see Richard for yourself, as you can every week, this Friday in the main room of Promise alongside Pete Gooding and Eddie Halliwell. Take your dancing shoes, an open mind and prepare to fall in love with clubbing all over again.
Re: Promise in magazines... look in the january 2002 edition..can bring to promise on friday if u like?
i know there was something on the uk-cl website, not too sure of the addy tho, it was a review of promise, it was well good, it got posted on here not long ago too, can any1 remember the addy? it was a review from the PVD night b4 x-mas. i liked how it said: "shindig has always been seen as the big brother and promise as the baby to it, it seems things have changed...." can any1 remember this?
yeah i remember cos i posted the thread what a review it was and if i remember rightly uk-cl joined the board to say how mint it was and that check out
im just repeating what it said in the review, i didnt write it, but in my eyes, promise is alot better than shindig, but shindig has been around longer etc, and they are different styles n stuff.
and you'd both be right! thanks for all the info so far, keep it coming! Fluffy Kitten if you could drop off that mag I'd appreciate it as they don't keep all their stuff online, I'll get it copied and get it back to you
when was the last time you were at shindig??? tbh, shindig and promise are so different in terms of the music policy and the crowd its like comparing apples n pears....... doesn't seem like too many of the promise crowd are into the Dig and vice versa. Think I'm one of a small minority who like them both..... I've only been to the Dig once since xmas, Darren Emerson in March/April - was mint, but that's cos most my mates go to Promise.... but am getting serious withdrawal symptoms....... haven't had a good house night for ages one count where shindig kicks promise arse though..... the totty factor
exactly my point, i dont go to shindig coz i dont like it. please dont all kick off at me for what was said in that article, i didnt write it, im just repeating what it said!!!
not totally sure mate... woz just browsing!! it lost all credibility when lush didnt even make the top 5 in ireland... joke!! was def last months dj mag tho.... wit fatboy slim on cover.