Promise Heroes - Next Friday (14/03/03) can richard please do a late set? matt - 10 - 1 richard - 1 - 3 you know it makes sense.
Its being ages since richard has done a late set i think im going to this nite hopefully richrad will play late he's class. any chance of getting lee foster on as well?
rich is always great when doing the last set!!! wish i was going i have to save myself, im not as hardcore as i used to be!! cant wait to be back next week tho
i'm not going next week kerry but i ain't seen ya since manc!! i'll try to catch up with ya soon tho!!!
when u next at promise??? u should come round to si's after next time ure at promise, u aint been to an after party with us for ages, come with amy
i'm there fri but dunno after long as i ain't at work on the sat at bt i will...........
Bless him, hes not the reason im not hardcore anymore, i think a harsh year last year has tired me out!!