Promise down-under! Well not quite, but greetings from melbourne anyway! Just to let you all know its still hot! Very hot Having much fun sitting about not doing a lot really! Lots of beer and wine has been drunk around the camp fire (Hidy-Hi ) and later this week Ill be going to see penguins! Yes penguins on the beach of all places! Who'd have thought youd get them here eh! I can say tho that the clubbing out here isnt really up to scratch so you can be happy knowing that just cos ive got sunshine youve still got a better night out! Unless you think sitting in a pub whilst a band sings bad covers of all your favourite pop tart tracks is better, in which case, haha Missing you all loads, will be back in newcastle probs about october/november! By then ill have been gone a year
Bonjour Spooks, shhhhh about the heat! Saying all that, cant complain cos today is pretty damn sweet, but its England, so nuff said really! Sounds like you re having a top time, come on, lets face it, most of us could miss out the clubbing quite easily if it meant spending time down under... Anyhows, will probs bump into you at some point when i move back up to newcastle in october, so until then, enjoy it while it lasts! Ken XxX
greetings from half way across the world (better than all the way eh?) how far have you got on your travels then? It will be interesting to see how quick letters from australia come because its about 2 weeks from england and 1 week freom america....maketh non sense! it will probably come quicker than any other of my friends letters because they are 2 damn lazy to write one lol! will you not be having a proper address for the rest of your time away? thats a bit crap cause writing letters is about as exciting as my evening gets unless their is a good movie on sky but usually they put xrated stuff on from early afternoon till 11pm then something like forrest gump when we are half ive been getting up at 6 for yoga and meditation classes so am too tired to do anything exciting like go to the pictures hehe i watch the bbc world weather everyday and we usually beat everywhere in oz for heat, its really bothering everyone else but luckily i dont feel it, must have been my endurance training in miami! sometimes get a bit too hot at night but too tired to care. got your last text about 300 times...making me feel popular or what! haha take care x
spooky - how jealous am i that ur in the land of oz!!! r u just traveling round oz or r u traveling in general?
Re: Promise down-under! nice 2 hear from u mate, and im glad your having a good time down under. will see you at promise in the near future. u can buy me a drink, or two if u want. later my friend