Do u mean Foundation where they hold promise? Not sure of exact cap mate, I only bin once but i'd prob say bout 700-1000 or summat. As for good nites comin up, nay idea!!! Im down in Leeds, only go up to see mates
Without glossop there would be no well stocked petrol stations/mini marts between Sheffield & Manchester. Every place has it's purpose.
didn't know you liked trance allie? is mr williams going to be putting in a rare special appearence at the 4th birthday? and more importantly.... is mr cohen?
Yeah i know, but at woteva time of nite it was I couldnt be assed replyin with anything useful (or maybe its jus that I dont actually have a clue:spangled: I aint disagreeing with any of u there!!! Glossop is an absolute crap hole! Went out last nite at 10pm...went back to mates by 11.30pm. Same old faces, same old bars, sorry...youth groups! And definitely the most shitty, cheesy music ive ever heard. Walked in and the schoolies were all lined up on stage doin the dance to the Cha Cha Slide Then I was even more sorry to see one of my old mates stood up there with his g/friend doin it as well
I don't like most Trance, but I like Hardwick & Ornadel, and I can tolerate Tiesto. Not be at the birthday I'm afraid, got other plans
i had a good mate from glossop when i lived in manchester. used to go out in glossop and stuff. He lived quite near the centre. it was a strange place.... not been for a few years now, since the lad i knew went all strange on us, and decided to fall out with all of his mates, and not speak to any of us again...
You used to go out in Glossop??? Was it jus as hip and happenin then as well If you lived in Manchester, wot ever made u wanna go out down here??? Good old Blues club then onto Harleys! Or did u used to go to the Trap and C2's/Dollars? I dont understand why so many people have heard of Glossop! Its a shithole and doesnt deserve recognition! Who was it u knew (jus out of interest) small place, might know em. Might not.
went to all those places, and that big pub on the corner, cant remember what it was called tho.... My mum lived in Dukinfield, so it isnt that far. And i had a few mates in glossop, so we used to go out there sometimes....not loads tho...cos it was pretty shit.
I lived in Dukinfield as well at one point. Only lived their for a year like but was one of the worst years of my life!!! Would rather have lived in Glossop!!! Spose it was cos all mates were in Glossop and was still in secondary school so didnt wanna have to make new mates. Big pub on the corner? Do u mean the Norfolk? Quality pub, prob best one we got! Well all those other places I mentioned are shut now all we got is shitty blues and harleys!!! Not exactly the liveliest of towns now