Promise 28.01.05 pics & vids Videos in a bit..
Good pics Jill. Glad you only got me on my way out at the end of the night- cos lets say I was a bit worse for wear earlier on
Videos.. Can't be arsed to check them, let me know if they don't work. Sand In My Shoes (about 2m07s, 8.81MB) Jump The Next Train (2m26s, 9.66MB) Silence (1m45s, 6.76MB) Nowt special like. I had a class video of No One On Earth but I deleted it off my camera thinking it was a different, shite video.
My computer won't let me download these, if I click on the link, it opens and starts downloading, but then says it couldn't do it.
I know, I think its just my computer thats a pile of shite. Just wanted to watch them and pretend I was there. Looks like i'm not going to be able to make the classics night either. My mate was going on about her 21st birthday and saying how it's going to be great and I said, "when is it, March 11th?" and she says "no, february 11th" and so im going to either try and wangle my way out of it...or suggest they come to promise, but i'll probably end up going down the gay end
lol, bit of an understatement if ever i saw one!!! thats like saying i was 'slightly tipsy' last night :spangled: good pics tho, even if it looks like ive got a beard on the couple im on :spangled:
yeah fine, got home bowt 11ish. was meant to be goin to my dads today tho it hasnt quite happened yet im gonna go along in an hour or so i think *graham says for the 4th consecutive hour* i sundays, the day of rest!!!