projectors Thinking of getting a projector for my mac so i can chill in bed an work on some tracks/watch films. anyone no anything about these and which ones are good for cheap. cheers
The cheap projecters have crap image clarity, crap contrast levels & the picture looks washed out. Toshiba have an amazing projecter on the market for just over £800, we've just got one for our lounge, i'll find out the name & model number if you want. We've got the Playstation 3 hooked up threw it & it's awesome! just make sure to prepare the wall it'll be displayed on with non-glossy paint
seems a bit pricey atm but yeah go for it. i want to play a wii through it, itll be like real life haha.
I think it's pier on here who fits these in clubs etc so give him a PM about it he may be able to help.