Re: Prog on the tyne.. yes end of Jan, Sir Guy :worship: plus new ressie Anton "proggy as fuck" Fielding
Re: Prog on the tyne.. I heard this rumour at the weekend. That Promise was going to close and re-open under a different name for a progressive night. Struggle to believe it'll happen but other people have obviously heard something too
Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Yousef, Lottie. Derek Carter & others
TBH I haven't seen either of them play so shouldn't really comment but they seem to be going away from deep house & prog and towards funky chunky House.
Prog was never really the major music policy of Shindig. They book good prog people every now and again and still do now (Satoshi and Lawler have both played there recently)
Good to hear - if you've got a long night with time to play with it's good that you're going to use it. Mark can you reply to my PM please?
i used to love richards warm up sets...... "back in the day" always used to set the atmosphere for a good night, could be a good thing, id love to see corvin dalek back....... little porn star =
Special Corvin Dalek, Pornoground night, I think, is in the pipeline for Promise in the New Year, watch this space!
hope thats right mate, been a while since i saw dalek, he used to play blinding sets every time he played..... had some wicked nights with corvin at the helm